Digital Automotive Modeling is not some kind of weekend passion fulfillment drama. Prices of 3D automotive modeling packages as well as professional car design modeling courses can indirectly suggest that this is something much more serious. What’s more, it is not like beginner training programs are more affordable. In fact, levels of proficiency won’t make much difference in terms of price. Entry as well as advanced level courses will similarly set you back significant amount of money.
Average training prices in the US and Western Europe oscillate at around $580 per month. You are bound to spend some significant sum of money, no matter where in the modern world you are. But are there any other methods to cut down the costs?
Objectively, you could become an Automotive Digital Modeler for as little as $0 a month. Take advantage of possibilities the modern world lays ahead of you and give up expensive software packages and training courses. Look for free, time-limited trial alternatives and free online tutorials. Find volunteering programs to contribute to. Look for educational communities and forums. Get complimentary 3D models to verify your skills on. If at college, apply for scholarships or internships. Sign up for demo classes.
Software | Training | |
1 | Student Trial | YouTube |
2 | Internship | Internship |
3 | Volunteering | Volunteering |
4 | Auxiliary Employee | Communities/Forums |
5 | Free Downloadable Models to Analyze |
Money Matters
Mastering 3d modeling techniques for Automotive Surface Styling will surely take time and effort. You devote your attention to a software package (often not of your choice) to explore its unique features together with the ‘behind methodology’ of geometry creation. Very often your choice is limited to packages that are mostly capable of creating the highest quality results, and inevitably fall on the high-end of marketing bids. Your ‘no alternative’ selection, therefore, is not only limited to a small number of items currently on the market, but also because there are just a few of them to choose from, it tends to get very costly. Additionally, the package itself isn’t enough. Down the line, you defray costs of course memberships that has to be renewed every once in a while. There is a long way to go, sometimes with no visible light in the tunnel. This could be just the beginning of your money spending nightmare.

You probably wonder where do such high price tags come from? In theory, the more difficult your chosen package is to master, the more profound its capabilities are, and consequently the higher returns on investments for proficient users (see my other article for info on Digital Modeler Salaries).
In other words, your making money abilities increase with the complexity and capabilities of the software package. Naturally, this makes professional training, and the package itself more expensive. Therefore, human resources training is often organized internally and costs are borne by organizations rather than individuals.
But what if you are a student or a graduate? Are you really on your own when stepping into the realms of digital modeling? Are you doomed to be an eternal beneficiary of free online ‘try and error’ tutorials on student free trial packages?
Software Package – No Money Needed Solution
There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. However, you could get a free student trial of Alias Automotive to lay your hands on. It will only last 30 days before it runs out, so you better plan out ahead to arrange as much time for ‘Aliasing’ as possible. By the end of the month you will at least be able to make your mind up as to whether Alias is for you.
Training – No Money Needed Solutions
Fortunately, there are plenty of free training solutions for you when striving to become an Automotive Digital Modeler. Even though, they might be scattered all over the Internet, they are just here at your fingertips. For beginners, the Autodesk official website could be the first place to visit. You could get your first-hand explanations and insights into the methodology directly from the creators of Alias. Where else would 3D modeling be explained better, if not right at the base. Apart from this, there is an abundance of resources on YT. You could also check out my channel. I created step-by-step, details-focused FREE LEARNING MATERIAL.

Reach Out for Help – No Money Needed Solutions
Communities and Forums are packed with passionate people who encounter and solve problems, give away free ideas, communicate and support each other. These places will give you motivation to carry on in moments of doubt. There is plenty of tips and tricks that sometimes won’t always work. You will be able to share your own thoughts, workflows and have the pleasure of receiving some positive comments as well as some criticism. The experience absorbed from such places built by mostly passionate nerds will be priceless.
The last, maybe the least obvious learning platform could be websites that offer free, high quality, downloadable 3D models. You can examine their geometry, surface layouts or even workflow philosophies. Find flaws – learn to fix them. You could also build on top of them and try to better the original topology. If they are better than what can do – learn from them.
Software Package and Training – No Money Needed Solutions
With a bit of know-how you could try volunteering. Most of employers won’t frown upon such ideas, as every pair of hands counts. Particularly when you have an ace up your sleeve of knowing theory gained by the housework chores you did beforehand with some geometrical models to show off. In such situation, certifications or other ‘paper credentials fall into the background, as your practical skills and charisma matter most. If you are a college student, you will even be in better situation. You could search for Automotive Industry Internships. This could be your great opportunity to escape financial worries for a while, not only because of a decent salary you will be receiving, but also possible scholarship and software resource assurance for the further development of your last year at college and beyond.
More Hints on the Matter
- Cover as much basics on your own as possible and as fast as possible. At the same time try your hands on practical stuff. Get yourself to build that curve to achieve G3 continuity, even if it takes some time. Remember that practice makes perfect.
- Target only courses that meet your needs in terms of level of proficiency and possible arrears. Don’t waste time starting that beginner tutorial yet again just to hear things that you already know. If you haven’t done it yet, learn principles at home on your own so you know what NURBS are when somebody asks. Instead, dive deeper for more exciting knowledge.
- You don’t need to read the whole book to know the story. Learn how to flick through tutorials available online to get straight to areas of interests to you.
- Gear towards knowledge you are missing or think could be your strong point and is worth hanging around a bit longer e.g. reverse engineering.
- YouTube algorithm displays videos in the most popular order. I personally found that this doesn’t stand for the most substantive sequence. Having said that, you can still randomly watch YT videos in anticipation of picking some tips here and there.
- Identify what you do wrong and fix it.
- Don’t underestimate well-trodden workflows. Remember what you were working on last week, month or even year and draw conclusions. Today you can apply techniques, tools or tricks that you learned years ago. What brilliant idea made your last project successful?
- Be ready to face challenges and renunciations for the sake of mastering the tool, and don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than you originally thought.
- Swallow a bitter pill. Sometimes ‘this much’ isn’t enough. Completing one model or another simply doesn’t cut the mustard. You need to step into your own problem solving territory.